Pain is classified as either acute or chronic. Acute pain happens immediately after an accident or injury and lasts for as long as the injury takes to heal. However, chronic pain can last for months or years. By definition, pain becomes chronic when it lasts for more than three months.
You may experience pain all the time or you might find that it comes and goes. In contrast to acute pain, chronic pain continues long after you’ve recovered from the injury or the illness. It sometimes may strike for no obvious reason.
Several illnesses can trigger chronic pain, such as arthritis, cancer, migraines, and fibromyalgia. In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated 20.4 percent of all U.S. adults suffered from chronic pain.
Thankfully, you don’t have to rely solely on medication for pain relief. Experienced pain specialists have several treatment options that may help. Here are five signs that the pain you’re experiencing may be alleviated by seeing a pain specialist.
You Have Pain with a Specific Motion
You might have experienced mild pain that has continued to increase over time. In some cases, after an injury or identifiable source of the pain, you’ll find you can reproduce the pain by making specific motions.
For example, bursitis in the shoulder may not cause any discomfort unless you move your shoulder. In this case, the pain affects your mobility, making it more difficult to move safely and accomplish your tasks of daily living.
Pain with a specific motion may be helped with a combination of therapeutic options that pain specialists offer.
The Pain Radiates or There Are Strange Sensations
After an injury, acute pain is often localized. This means it stays in the area where you were injured. However, if pain becomes chronic, it may start to radiate throughout your arm or leg, or even through your entire body.
Odd sensations, such as numbness and tingling, as well as radiating pain, can indicate that a nerve is affected. Our pain management team can develop a treatment plan that will help ease the discomfort and allow you to enjoy your daily activities.
You Need Medication to Get Through the Day
Some patients believe they can manage the pain using medication. They may have gotten a prescription from their physician or have been using over-the-counter medications. Yet, relying on pain medication to get through the day does not promote health.
Long-term side effects from these medications can cause more damage and reduce your quality of life. Pain management specialists use treatment options that have fewer side effects, are effective, and support your overall health.
You Aren’t Sleeping Well
Quality sleep is important to reduce your perception of pain. However, the less sleep you get the more pain you experience, and the more pain you experience the less sleep you get. When you have pain that prevents you from sleeping, it can also have a domino effect on the rest of your health.
Lack of sleep can affect your ability to think, lower your immune system defenses and make you more susceptible to infection and illness. Long-term sleep deprivation increases your risk of obesity, which can, in turn, impact your pain.
There is substantial evidence that sleep deprivation can also raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of coronary heart disease. Short-term problems include excessive daytime sleepiness, impaired memory, and a higher probability of car accidents.
Pain Disrupts Your Daily Life
For some people, pain is a life-changing experience. It can eventually affect your quality of life and disrupt your daily routine. If you are changing your plans with friends and family to accommodate your pain, that’s the sign you may need the services of a pain specialist.
Researchers have found that pain affects your relationships with others. It’s difficult to be your best self and fill your role in a relationship when you are in constant pain. When lower back pain causes sleepless nights or arthritis makes daily tasks painful, you may find relief using individualized treatment protocols designed for your specific type of pain.
Call AllCare Health & Pain Today for Help with Chronic Pain
The AllCare Health & Pain professionals have experience helping people who are struggling with a pain disorder. We understand the emotional and mental stress you experience from pain. We work hard to provide excellent care and treat you with compassion and respect.
If you are living with pain, relief is possible. Call our office today at 201-386-8800 to schedule a consultation with one of our pain professionals.